Your Art. Your Rights.
Your Revenue.
Discover unlicensed usage of your photos with bulk reverse image searching for professionals

Photos by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
What our users are saying
"I would definitely recommend it to anybody who places his professional images online and would like to avoid unauthorised use of those by third parties."
"I'm very enthusiastic about Lenstracer's service, the freedom to get the information about where are images used without any limit on how to act was the main reasons I started the service as I would prefer a friendly approach as a first interaction. And then after a small test on 5 images I tried a more comprehensive batch of 100 images and I'm rather happy already the next day I have normalised the situation about 3 unauthorised usages and actually built a connection with an artist. A few more requests are in progress and it is bit early to tell but without Lenstracer I would not have been aware of these usages of the images I created. I would definitely recommend it to anybody who places his professional images online and would like to avoid unauthorised use of those by third parties."
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- Luca
Photographer in Venice
"Not only was I able to get compensated 3x my normal fee from one site, but another blog even signed an ongoing contract for future use of my images!"
"I often find my work on travel blogs & booking websites without my permission. Lenstracers search helped me find several unlicensed usages of my work. Not only was I able to get compensated 3x my normal fee from one site, but another blog even signed an ongoing contract for future use of my images!"
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- Emma P.
Travel Photography
Bulk Image Searching
Perform mass reverse image searches on thousands of photos at a time across the web
No hidden predatory fees
Other services require you to use their legal services to handle infringements and take a 50% cut. Instead we let you handle it however you want
Advanced Image Recognition
Lenstracer uses the latest advanced image recognition algorithms to find matches and prevent false positives
How it works
We provide you the tools to automatically find websites using your images and notify you.

Photo by Dillon Kydd on Unsplash
- 1Upload your collection of photos that you want to track and how often
- 2Get notified where your images are being used across the internet
- 3You decide how you want to pursue recovering your unpaid fees. We never take a cut.
few photos for
free first
- 10 Credits
- Search the web
- 3000 Credits
- Search the web
- Unlimited matches
- Flexible Monitoring
- 10000 Credits
- Search the web
- Unlimited matches
- Flexible Monitoring
1 Credit = 1 Image Lookup
Credits reset monthly
I found an infringement, now what?
Other services require you to use their "legal" services to enforce infringements and take a 50% cut of the proceeds.
But all they do is send a letter to the infringer in hopes that they pay. They make their money by doing this in bulk and do not care how the case gets handled or if you're getting the best possible outcome. They will gladly accept a reduced payment if it means they can settle quickly, regardless if its fair or not.
Lenstracer gives you the opportunity to pursue these issues how you wish. You can hire your own copyright firm to deal with it or if you dont have one we would be happy to recommend one based on your region. In some cases the best approach is to avoid lawyers altogether and come to an amicable agreement with the other party.
This ensures you get the best possible outcome and support for dealing with copyright infringements.